Total Student Loans
Current Payment: $350.49
Your New Payment: $232.59
Monthly Savings: $117.90
 Private & Secure

Consolidate with Graduate School Loans
Financial Aid Professionals

Just like you, at Graduate School Loans, we have the students' and graduates' best interest in mind. Our mission is to provide them with tools necessary to manage the student loan debt that they accrue during their undergraduate and graduate schooling, to ensure a successful financial future.

As a financial aid professional, students and graduates look to you to provide them with information that they need to make educated decisions about managing their loans through consolidation.

To meet our common goal of helping students and graduates, we have provided you with a list of benefits that come with a student loan consolidation through Graduate School Loans.

At Graduate School Loans, we are proud of the services that we offer our borrowers. We stand by our services because unlike many marketing companies today, we are a true lender! As America's Top Graduate Student Loan Consolidator, we offer our borrowers a wide variety of features to benefit them. These features include:

  • Federal and Private Student Loan Consolidations
    In order to accommodate all of the loans that graduates incur, we offer both federal and private student loan consolidations. This allows our borrowers to retain all of the benefits that each kind of loan separately offers.

  • Interest Rate Reductions
    To help our borrowers save as much money as possible, we offer interest an rate reduction of .25% on private loan consolidations. This borrower benefit helps our clients save on unnecessary interest.

  • Flexible Repayment Options
    We offer several flexible repayment options with both our federal and private consolidations. These options allow borrowers to be in control of choosing a monthly payment plan that best suits their financial situation. They may also change their repayment option as often as they choose. We also offer extended repayment options of up to 30 years on both types of consolidations to make our borrowers' monthly payments as small as possible.

  • One-on-One Service
    Graduate School Loans specializes in student loan consolidations and we focus our efforts on doing one thing, and doing it well! This allows us to provide the highest quality of service to our borrowers. Our unique one-on-one service allows our borrowers to talk to the same loan representative every time that they call in with a question or concern. This also gives our representatives an opportunity to become familiar with each individual borrower, their loans and their specific needs.

  • Fast and Easy Applications
    We know that our borrowers' time is precious. That is why we make our application to consolidate quick and simple! Borrowers may complete their entire federal consolidation application online in just minutes with our convenient, e-signature option. And those who apply for a private consolidation may do so in just minutes with a short phone call!
If Graduate School Loans can be of any service to you with providing you further information about our student loan consolidation services, feel free to contact us at 800-680-7195.

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